Highly Capable Program Nominations

Highly Capable Program Nominations
Posted on 10/27/2022
Learn about the Highly Capable Program

Nominations for Highly Capable Programs eligibility will be accepted October 24, 2022 -January 6, 2023. Nominations may be submitted by parents, teachers, community members, or students themselves. Please access the nomination form here:   https://forms.office.com/r/tkqS3ayTcf or contact your school's office for a copy of this form.




  • Nominations will be collected between October 24, 2022 and January 6, 2023. No nominations will be accepted outside of this window.
  • A student may be nominated by a parent, teacher, community member, or self. ]
  • Electronic forms are found___. You may also request a blank nomination form from your school’s office.
  • All forms and supporting documentation must be received by January 6, 2023


It is our mission in the Clover Park School District to provide all students with appropriate educational programs to meet their academic and social-emotional needs. Our priority is to match students with the most appropriate service. In alignment with this priority and the current barriers to our standard processes, there will be less emphasis on standardized testing measures as a tool for identifying and placing students. All students have the opportunity to receive differentiated instruction in alignment with their academic ability and potential.


Possible outcomes of a student nomination may include: 

  • Level I differentiated instruction in the regular educational program
  • Level II, III, or IV Highly Capable program services.

Students already identified to receive Highly Capable Program services will be reviewed to ensure students are receiving the most appropriate services in the following school year. This means that students may move between service levels II-IV. Families of students who may move between levels of service will receive communication from the district office regarding potential changes. 


  • October 2022: All students at grade 1 participate in universal screening using the CogAT screening assessment
  • October 24, 2022-January 6, 2023: Nominations accepted.
  • January 2023: Review of STAR and Smarter Balanced screening data for students at grades K, 2-8 NOMINATIONS AND IDENTIFICATION
  • January 2023: Highly Capable Selection Committee convenes to review nominations and identify next steps for each child
  • February-March 2023: Select students at grades K, 2-10 participate in CogAT testing
  • Spring 2023: Highly Capable Selection Committee convenes to review service placement of returning students and make new identification recommendations
  • May-June 2023: Eligibility outcomes shared via Skyward student Portfolio. A Messenger alert will be sent to impacted families when this information is available for viewing and download